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Catchy Direct Communication
and Email Marketing Cases: Convergent Experience
Analytics | CRM-strategy | Design
For more than 2 decades Convergent delivers direct communication expertise:
of the users first check their email, and only then go to social networks and read the news*
*According to the OptinMonster research, 2022.
  1. Strategy: we develop communication strategies, implement them end-to-end, analyze the results and relaunch new cycles based on learnings
Production: we localize and adapt brand communication tool kits for various local markets
We have collected recent powerful direct marketing techniques for various niches and goals:
Highly regulated markets’ segments
There are heavy restrictions on the advertising and promotion of certain products, and it is crucial to stick to them in all advertisement materials. For example, you can’t use the images of animals or food. Read more in our case about products promotions of highly regulated segments
Each client’s brand has a unique CRM strategy and a clear visual differentiation for corresponding emails
Law prohibits the use of direct CTAs, so we are using a lot of interactive elements, animation and other techniques to increase the CTR
Jokes, wordplay, and intrigue in subject and preheader make the emails more fun and interactive
These interactive techniques in each letter increase the Open rate and the CTR: the users always know that the newsletter will be entertaining as well as informative and are more engaged with the brand communications
Open rate
Our average stats for the segment:
Fashion segment
Styled looks in each email increase the purchase conversion rate as compared to the emails with collections of unrelated items
You can see the most important characteristics of the clothes: how resistant the sportswear is, how flattering the dress is on different body types, etc.
Sometimes the audience may misperceive a global brand that has not been previously represented on the local market: they can have difficulties with the size grid or the choice of the right cut
We need to keep in mind the perception differences in different markets: for example, in some markets simplistic and not overloaded design with only one or two focuses is the most attractive to the audience
Pro tip: any GIFs needs to have a matching picture of the first frame in case the animations can’t load and the image stays static
The emphasis on the key properties of fabrics and special technologies in both informational and product emails increases brand awareness and subscriber loyalty (especially for sports and travel brands)
Localizing Direct Email communication
  • A strong brand identity makes the emails look consistent in different markets

  • It is important to check the images to make sure that all models and colors are available in the region

  • Emails take into account the local market specifics: for example, in regions with harsh winters subscribers receive warm clothes overviews
16% (as compared to 9% six months before)
Our average stats for the segment:
Open rate
7.7% (as compared to 2% six months before)
Internal Communications
Well-thought-out communication strategy is crucial when a company undergoes a corporate culture refresh or internal processes changes
Not all companies take enough time to create powerful and clear internal newsletters. Convergent’s experience has shown that this area of internal marketing is especially important in large corporations. Sending interactive emails with company news or surveys on a regular basis demonstrate its openness to employees and positively develop corporate culture
Interactive tools and tests increase employee engagement
Our deep immersion in the processes of each client’s team helps us choose the most efficient interaction techniques
A thoughtful newsletter with a unique visual identity and a friendly, motivating tone of voice increases the engagement and loyalty of the team
Open rate
Our average stats for the segment:
Email Training Courses
It is important to follow a clear structure in the storytelling of the course: from introducing the topic to its practical application. In the lessons you also need to adhere to a linear narrative
For all training materials, fact-checking is essential to avoid confusing the subscribers and undermining your reputation
Current case studies help the readers to apply the knowledge in a more efficient way
It is essential to choose the tone of voice that would best suit the audience. In this case, we settled on being informal and friendly, the way two peers would be talking to each other. Term definitions in the letters should be clear and unambiguous
Subtle design is key to keep the reader’s attention on the key message
The email subject was concise and easy-to-understand to make it clear what you’ll find in the email and which lesson you are getting
Open rate
Our average stats for the segment:
To sum up
Direct marketing can contribute to your business in many different ways:

  • Increase the audience loyalty;
  • Help to attract new customers;
  • Increase customer conversion and their LTV (Life Time Value);
  • Increase brand awareness.

At Convergent, we do audience research, experiment with interaction techniques to have the most efficient ones at hand, and monitor KPIs to be efficient in accomplishing the business goals.
Direct email marketing that works
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